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MMA Tycoon

http://www.mmatycoon.comVote for this Game
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Game Description
MMA Tycoon is a free to play Mixed Martial Arts Management Game. If you are a fan of Cage Fighting, Ultimate Fighting, MMA, WWE Wrestling or Boxing, try out out game and you'll be addicted in no time! In our game world every fighter and company is run by a real user, so you can become a pound for pound champion, or work your way up the business ladder by running a fight org, gym, clothing company, nutrition company, bookmakers or alliance. Come join the other MMA fans now and see why we're the biggest and best MMA game on the net!


Player Rating Rank
(630 Points)

Average Player Rating



Game Details
Type:   Sports
Developed By:   
Platform:   All
Interface:   Browser
Game Clock:   Real-time
Launch Status:   Full Launch
System Requirements:None
Price Information
Trial Offered:   VIP trial
Software:   None
Membership Fees:   Free w/ Optional VIP

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